Daniel and Chantal's Story

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Daniel And Chantal, though thousands of miles and an ocean apart from each other (Annapolis, Maryland---London, UK) have something in common. They have both been diagnosed with a brain tumors.

It seems one's brain tumor journey is a never
ending process of tests, anguish, and despair. Think, there are not too many
things worse than hearing…”you have a brain tumor”. The hardest part of
anyone’s brain tumor journey self analysis and coming to terms with the drastic
change that has been brought upon your life.



“How” ?

“Why me”?

The necessary process of self contemplation is personal and challenging. When Chantal and Daniel both were diagnosed with their tumors, they found difficulty -like many others-
coping with the news they had just heard. They both found comfort in the fact that many others before them have survived and thrived after brain tumors and surgeries. Though traumatic, they believed this experience would make them stronger. The pair had both individually decided to take positive and profound action on a Global Scale. Provide support, reassurance, and inspiration to others affected by brain tumors.

Chantal is currently battling an inoperable brain tumor in London, coincidentally; her profession is working in the anaesthesia of surgical brain tumor patients. Before her own diagnosis,
she thought she knew a lot about brain tumors, but it wasn’t until she saw a
symptom poster at the hospital she worked at that she realised she might have one. The part of Chantal’s journey that draws the most emotion, is the fact she can’t be
operated on. Instead of being hung up on this factor, she decided to take a
different, more positive, perspective. Due to her professional and personal
experience, Chantal is an excellent resource for those who are dealing with the
diagnosis of a brain tumor and is excelling with her blog ‘Lobe Yourself’ and
promoting worldwide exposure to the impact that having a brain tumor brings.

Daniel after being diagnosed with his brain tumor, just 14 years old was deeply depressed and lost in a sea of ambiguity. He was an avid swimmer, waterpolo player, and fisherman.
After his diagnosis and surgery, he understood the importance of a support
system. He noticed the extreme lack of mental and spiritual support as people
recover from brain surgeries. Luckly, he had a good friends who took him
fishing. Though fishing and surrounding himself in nature, he gained a deeper
appreciation for life and started to see what had just happened to him not as a
tragedy but as something positive: The ultimate growing experience.

Daniel now understood the importance of the mental and spiritual aspects recovering from brain
surgery and was determined influence other teenagers going through the same
thing. Passionate about entrepreneurship and helping others, he started a
social enterprise called New Fin. The goal of his company is to aid other
teenagers with the mental and spiritual aspects of recovering from brain
surgeries through mentorship, sponsored gift giving, and providing information on the American with Disabilities Act to help teenagers be as successful as they can after their surgery.

Chantal found Daniel and his social enterprise online. The two had extensive conversation and found the exact areas where people recovering from brain surgery needed help the most.
The two have developed a “care package” meant for those dealing with the
diagnosis of a brain tumor.

Both Daniel and Chantal’s personal and professional experience have made them the perfect team to address the important issue of mental and spiritual recovery in recovering
from brain surgeries.